Legal analysis of conflict situations, development of the strategy and legal position of the client, evaluation of potential risks and litigation prospects
Pre-trial work, participation in negotiations and conciliatory procedures, preparation of relevant documents (claims, counterclaims, dispute settlement agreements etc.), collection of evidence
Drawing up the law suits, petitions, motions and other documents of procedure
Representation in international arbitration tribunals and ad hoc tribunals
Support in the mandatory execution of court resolutions
advising on all bankruptcy issues
representing the debtor in courts on all stages of the bankruptcy procedure, objecting to the creditor's claims, preparing statements of disagreement
advising on the liability of the debtor's CEO and shareholders, representing the clients in disputes involving the subsidiary liability
representing the creditor, participating in the creditors meetings, preparing and submitting creditor's claims in order to be included in the creditors' register; appeal of the crisis manager actions (inaction)
declaring the invalidity of the debtor's transactions
Intellectual Property
Drafting and reviewing contracts related to the intellectual property (licenses, copyright, franchising, software development and other)
Advice on issues of use of the intellectual property objects, protection of the intellectual property rights on the Internet
Protection of intellectual property. Representation in Patent Board of Appeal and Intellectual Property Judicial Board. Entering trademarks in the Customs Register of intellectual property. Counteraction for unfair competition
Corporate Law
Formation, reorganization and liquidation of commercial legal entities, opening and terminating the activities of representative offices of foreign organizations
Exit and entrance of participants in limited liability companies, additional share issuances in joint-stock companies
Sales of interests and shares transactions
Documentary support and organization of general meetings of participants/shareholders of commercial entities
Mergers and Acquisitions
Legal support of transactions to buy business, drafting the purchase-sale agreement and other legal documents associated with the transaction
Due diligence of the target before the purchase, discovery of legal risks and recommendations on their mitigation
Tax structuring of the transaction
Negotiations on the client’s behalf with the other party to the transaction
Investor Services
The choice of the optimum form of presence in Belarus
Representing the client’s interests in the negotiations with the government authorities
Formation of legal entities and support of their business activities, advice on taxation optimization of business in Belarus
Labor law
Drafting labor agreements and contracts, advice on their conclusion and termination, with top management, during reorganizations or after sale of business
Advice on the personnel reduction issues, changes of substantial labor terms of employees
Consulting on the type of remunerations and bonuses for the employees
Analysis of the state of the personnel documentation, and bringing it in compliance with the legal requirements
Legal support of hiring foreign personnel in Belarus, consulting on migrant labor issues
Advice on the out-of-court resolution of the arising labor conflicts